4 custom project spots left in 2024

Where's Mildo

Brand Strategy

Web Design

Travel Blogger

Project Details

Where's Mildo is a travel blog run by the lovely Milly, who shares stories, travel tips, itineraries, and more to leave you laughing and inspired. Unlike most travel bloggers, Milly is a 24/7 wife, mother, and employee. She showcases how to live a life of adventure while maintaining a touch of "normal". Where's Mildo is built on the idea that while we can't all quit our jobs and live on a beach in Bali, we can certainly enjoy camping trips.

Milly approached Untamed with a clear goal: to better structure her blog to not only be a side hustle but as a way to inspire her daughter, live a more fulfilled life, and encourage others to do the same. She needed her blog to be organized and accessible, and we delivered just that.

Through comprehensive brand exercises, a questionnaire, and a website design, we created a new home for her writing and established structures to grow her side hustle without doubling her workload. We integrated a Klaviyo newsletter with an on-brand freebie, introduced soft advertising for personalized writing services, and clarified her unique brand messaging. We laid the foundation for Milly to sustainably and fulfillingly expand her side hustle while reaching and engaging more viewers. 

Custom website built on Showit and integrated with the Wordpress blogging platform. 

Milly's brandmarks as stickers featuring the handdrawn illustration and tagline. 

The homepage, equipped with a search bar, destination categories, an introduction, and more.

Showit website optimized for mobile viewing. 

From start to finish, this whole process was exhilarating. Taking my blog to the next level was a daunting task for me. I never took my blog seriously over the last 11 years, but this year I wanted to make a change. From the first conversation I knew she was the right person for the job. The questionnaire made me think about my purpose and my why, and her ideas for monetization blew me away. She's incredibly talented at what she does, and no 'dumb' question is ever too much! I couldn't have imagined a better brand behind Where's Mildo, and I'm so glad I found Bri. I think I also found a friend for life.

Made me think about my purpose and why

From Milly:

Icons for placement throughout her website, on pdf guides, and more

Her homepage, blog page, individualized category page, and internal blog post page

Her brand guidelines brand book to assist in remaining consistent and cohesive for years to come

Her primary logo has it all. A campfire to symbolize warmth, community, and storytelling, and a tagline to share what the brand is about from the getgo.

Her color palette is bright and exciting. The yellow represents joy, pink representing warmth, and green representing tranquility and excitement.

Her secondary logo was built to represent her brand with simplicity, perfect for second viewings to build brand recognition and trust.

Her font palette is simple and accessible. Her header font is fun but still easy to read while the paragraph font is versatile and approachable. 

Her brand marks bring everything together, perfect for icons, stickers, and miscellaneous placement to build brand recognition and proper associations. 

The Brand

Search bar at the top of the home page for viewers to search what they're looking for immediately 

The Website

13 destination categories with individual landing pages for viewers to search by location 

Soft call to action to work one on one with Milly, the groundwork for monetization 

Freebie integrated with Klaviyo to engage and encourage recurring viewers 

3 different categories with individual landing pages for viewers to read by content

Recent blog posts for viewers to browse all the writings

Each blog has it's own page that is on brand and integrated with a comment section

And so much more! 

wanna be friends?

© Creatives by Bri, LLC, 2024

Site created in house

Photo by Danni Figueroa Photo